Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What's wrong with Religion?

Many people who know me are aware that I have issues with religion, and I'm not referring to any type of religion. In my opinion, all religions are dangerous, some more than others, but it is my sincere belief that the world would be a much better place without any form of religion. I admit that there was once a time when I seriously wanted to believe in all the magics that tried to answer the most fundamental of human questions, but for me this was impossible. I even took my A-Level in religion so as to try and understand how such feeble and childish beliefs are still popular in this age of reason (BTW, I passed my A-Level with a B-merit :)). My education on the subject further proved to me how insane the whole topic is. But I still wanted to believe, I mean if everyone around me believes and has faith, then why can't I? Surely there is nothing wrong with faith?
One day I was zapping through the channels on TV and a documentary on Auschwitz happened to get my attention. I must say that I was very familiar with the historical happenings during the Nazi reign but I had also never seen what had really happened, the visuals were horrifying...it was the ugliest thing that I had ever seen in my entire life. I just couldn't understand how people could do things like this to other people. There are still many people who follow Nazi ideologies; how can there be people who are so evil? The truth is that these people aren't evil at all, they don't hide a set of horns under their hair, they don't take part in satanic rituals during their weekends and I'm sure that they don't have a taste for human flesh. These are people who like the smell of flowers, like chocolate, hate Monday mornings, love watching funny movies and enjoy a Saturday night-out with their buddies. They also happen to have a strong belief that they're superior to some other people because of their lineage, the way they look etc... Nazism is an ideology, a belief based on strong human emotions and these people have been raised up in an environment that respects that kind of ideology. This is exactly what's dangerous about religion; faith being the basis of most, if not all religions, asks people that they should belief in something completely without including reason and rationality. This is all well and good if you want to believe in something but if you're making a whole society believe in something which goes against all reason then yes I have a big problem with that. If you're throwing rationality out of the window, and making everyone in a society do the same, you'll soon get incidents like children dying because their parents refuse blood transfusion, religion being taught in schools instead of science, suicide bombings, holy wars, women being punished/killed because they have been raped (don't tell me that there is any rationality behind this one), hanging homosexuals, burning people at the stake, shooting women for showing an inch of their skin etc etc. A society following rules written down in an archaic piece of literature is something very scary and people should have nightmares about it.
We are finally advancing into an age of reason and the fact that people are still blindly believing what they're being told to believe instead of reasoning things just highlights the vast difference between static ideologies and the more dynamic ones which engage people in complex cognitives processes.
Many people justify their faith by saying that it gives them meaning and that it somehow teaches them love and compassion towards one another. This is very true and if you seriously believe that then I would certainly not stop you but it's also true that to feel connected with the ultimate meaning of life and be loving towards your neighbor you don't need to believe that God impregnated a woman with magic. These are the the irrational beliefs that make people dangerous because they are things that require absolute belief and it's so easy for others to make fun of these beliefs. You can't expect a Muslim to believe in a virgin birth, and you can't expect a Christian to believe that if you sacrifice your life to Islam you will be rewarded with 72 virgins. In short, religion divides people by making them believe in things which aren't real, it stops them from forming real moral values; who would you think is doing a good deed? Christians who spend there life helping the needy because they wants to go to heaven and please their god? What about people who choose to help the needy because they truly believe that there actions will make a difference to the better? Religious people usually do their version of good by following the rules that they've been taught. If one of these rules allowed people to kill each other because they had black hair, I am 100% sure that there will be people who will actually do it. This is exactly what happened with Nazis, they really thought that what they were doing was right...it's not the people who are evil, but rather it's the ideologies that are truly evil. And anyway, I don't see why people are still searching for the true meaning of life and everything, it's so obvious that the answer is 42.

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